Crystal healing is a holistic, non-invasive, vibrational energy-based system of healing. Crystal healing involves using gemstones to bring balance to an individual's life and mind. Crystals have a stable and unchanging energy pattern. Each crystal has a unique vibrational resonance which is derived from its mineral content, shape, and the color frequency it emits. The energy of the crystal can have powerful effects on the energy vibrations within a person. Crystals act like tuning forks, helping bring harmony to the very unstable energy field of the human body.
I am a Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Practitioner as well as a graduate of the Love & Light Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program. Both the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy and the Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy are professionally accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM), the largest internationally recognized & trusted accreditation board for training providers worldwide.
I am also a Second Degree Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Practitioner. I received my training at the Maryland Center for Reiki Training. During a Special Healing Session, I incorporate Reiki techniques to promote healing.
- Chakra Balancing Session: $120 USD for a distance session. This forty-five to fifty-minute session combines Hibiscus Moon certified crystal healing techniques and Love & Light Advanced Crystal Healing techniques to balance the chakras and help re-align energetic frequencies.
- Special Healing Session: $150 USD for a distance session. This fifty-minute to one-hour special healing session, enhanced with Reiki healing techniques offers three types of special crystal layouts after a chakra balancing.